How it Started.
It all began when our founder Taragh moved to London and found the big city of London a bit lonely. You can be in a melting pot of people but where do you find your people?
In 2019, she posted the idea of having a book club at brunch on a Facebook group called London New Girl. The response was overwhelming. And so, Brunch Book Club was born.
Since then, we’ve read a library of books, eaten eggs every which way you can imagine, drank gallons of Prosecco, weathered a global pandemic, met with authors, shadowed the Women’s Prize for Fiction, and welcomed members from all over the world.
Today we continue to grow, bringing likeminded people together to read book and go to brunch.
Read a Book.
We’re all about inclusivity, diversity and democracy here at Brunch Book Club so our book club picks are chosen by you, for you.
We like to give our book worms plenty of reading time so our Brunch Book Club books are chosen two months ahead.
“How do you select the book?” We hear you ask.
We’re always looking for our next favourite read and we’re constantly researching the latest books and trend in the publishing market, whether that be on Bookstagram, BookTok, or by liaising directly with publishers and authors — we have our finger on the literary pulse! So our books are chosen by us, for you. The books range from literary fiction to nonfiction, poetry to plays, essays to short stories, as well as many more. You’ll always find something you want to read. Take a look at our Library to see past books.
Our discussions are held online the morning of our event where we run through a list of questions and usually set the literary world to rights.
Come to Brunch.
Living in London means our brunching options are endless and we’re on a mission to taste them all!
Therefore, the location of our events change each month. No matter where you live there’ll eventually be a Brunch Book Club event near you.
Live in Dalston? No problem, we’ve got Martello Hall on our list. Over in Paddinton? Perfect, we’ll see you at Paradise Green. Chilling in Camden? Let’s have brunch at Near & Far. South of the river? Well, buckle in because we’ve been to Canova Hall, Megan’s, and Lost Society.
Exploring a new location each month ensures everyone is included and we all discover places we may never have visited before. So hop on the tube/train/bus/bike and we’ll see you at brunch soon!
Join the Club.
Books brought us together, Brunch got us to the table, the Club made us stay.
Here, you will find fellow book lovers and brunch enthusiasts, share book recommendations, read that #tbrlist, go for drinks, hit the dance floor, create memories, find friendships, feel supported, feel safe, ride fourth-wave feminism, vent your frustrations, celebrate your wins, and live the London life.
You’ll always be in good company at Brunch Book Club, get to know some of the club here.
Our Books